Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Toddler Drum Set
Monday, December 12, 2011
Song of the Month?
Thanks to the church Christmas party I have a song to post today.
Once again, thanks to our good friends for going along with us.
Merry Christmas to you all.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Preschool Songs Live!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Preschool Songs for October
Some of the moms were asking about the songs we are learning, so it seemed like a good idea to post the songs here.
So, here are most of the songs we will be singing in October. These are also the songs we will be singing at the retirement home we are visiting the last week of October. There will probably be more, but I thought it would be better to post some now, than not at all. Click on the music to see a larger image.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Over in the Meadow
I've been meaning to record it to post here, but haven't done it yet, so instead of putting off this post for yet another week I will post the lyrics and sheet music and hopefully get back to the recording later.
I have heard several different version of Over in the Meadow. I like this one the best. It can be found in storybook form by John Langstaff and illustrated by Feodor Rojankovsky. I think the words lay nicely. There is also a beautiful version illustrated by Ezra Jack Keats, but the words are a little different.
We sing it at bed time, at preschool (it's a counting song), in the car, etc. It was Chesson's favorite song for a while. She always insisted on the number three that we put up middle finger, ring finger, and pinky. We discovered many different ways to make three fingers. (There are a lot, try it.)
So, Jen, here's Over in the the Meadow, just for you.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Listening to music can help you loose weight
Today at book club we were discussing the book, Mindless Eating, by Brian Wansink. The premise of the book is that we have no idea how much we are eating and we often eat for many other reasons besides hunger.
One point that came up in our discussion was that as caregivers, aka moms, we often feel undernourished emotionally and we try to make up for that deficit with food. When we feel down, or tired, or lonely, etc. we reach for something that will give us a little feel good moment and often the most convenient thing available is a cookie. Hmmm.
Our conclusion was that what we really need are some quick and easy pick-me-up ideas that will actually nourish us for the long run, both physically and emotionally. So we scrounged up a paper and pencil and had a little brainstorm.
One of the first ideas we came up with, right after hand cream, foot cream, and eye cream, was listening to positive music.
This link will take you to one of my favorite feel good songs. Listen to it, feel good, and read through our list while rubbing some good smelling lotion on your hands. Some ideas won't appeal/apply to you, but some might and I'm sure you'll think of others you will want to try.
Bells of Freedom by Jon Schmidt
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
I Don't Want to Live on the Moon
Brush Your Teeth and I'll Kiss You
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Week 7/Happy Birthday America!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Song of the week #6/Goin' to the Zoo
Why song of the week #5 is missing
Friday, June 17, 2011
Spider Webs/Song of the Week #4

Dream Catcher Lullaby is a common camp song. I first learned it from a fellow missionary when I was 21. She taught me the chorus and the descant and we had a good time singing it together. Many years later I found the song again and discovered that it had verses. Except for the first verse I didn't like them very much. (They were all about a guy who was going to be executed for his crimes.) So I wrote my own. There is a reason I don't have a career as a poet, but it's still fun to sing and it works well on the guitar.
My friend Pam and I performed it for a Relief Society activity once. I strummed the chords and she did some fancy picking. We are both altos, so if your voice won't go down to an A you'll want to get out the capo.
Special thanks to Melea for reminding me about this song (her kids are still singing it), and suggesting that I use it. I even got my guitar out today.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Little Bunny Purple Pants/Song of the Week #3
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Song of the Week II/Oh Henry!
- It had two parts and there were two kids involved
- The verses flow logically from one to the next so it's easy to remember the words
- There is good comedic potential
- It isn't by Taylor Swift (Ok, we like Taylor as much as anybody, but she is pretty popular in elementary school talent shows.)
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Song of the Week
- Ask children to hold, or pretend to hold, a baby doll and rock it gently to sleep as you sing.
- Discuss whether the song should be sung loud or soft, fast or slow. (It is my experience that some smartalec will want to sing it loud and fast. Go ahead, it's kind of funny and illustrates the difference really well. After that you will have to sing the baby back to sleep again.)
- The ending phrase "All through the night," is repeated three times in each stanza with the same melodic line. Children will catch onto that section very quickly. Invite them to sing it with you each time it comes around. (Then they can sing the song just like I did for the last 30 years.)
- The first, second and last lines of each stanza have the exact same melody, but the third is different. To help children recognize which phrase is different create a long flowing movement for each phrase. Use the same movement for phrases that are the same and a contrasting movement for the one that is different.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Happy Mother's Day

Friday, March 25, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Ah Michigan

This morning we went outside to take Chesson to preschool.