Saturday, July 2, 2011

Song of the week #6/Goin' to the Zoo

Today's post is inspired by a trip to the zoo. Our zoo isn't all that big, but we like it. We can see the whole thing in one visit without getting too tired.
Invariably this song comes up in the car on the way there. The verses included here are the ones printed in "Gonna Sing My Head Off" by Tom Paxton, but there is no end to the verses we can create when we get in the mood.
Tom and Estella set sail through uncharted ... woodchips?
Echo, Chesson, and Tom ride those buckin' ... barrels?
Big Mike, American alligator, the newest attraction at the zoo. He displaced the flamingos. We were worried for a minute, but we found the flamingos safely standing around on one leg by some monkeys. This is where we ran out of batteries in the camera.

So, here's the family singing, and me strumming away at the guitar, "Goin' to the Zoo."

1 comment:

Harold said...

I love your blog, thanks!