Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Estella's Baptism

Two weeks ago Estella was baptized and became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  We are so proud of her.  We were glad to have Grandma and Grandpa H here with us.  We missed Grandma and Grandpa O, but we are so proud of them for the service to the Lord and the people of Columbia.
The kids sang "Keep the Commandments" and Alicia played the obligato on her flute.  The primary children will be singing it (with Alicia on flute) for the sacrament meeting presentation next week.  I'll get a video so I can post it.

My Little Stokowski

The other night it was 2 year old Chauncey's turn to lead the music for Family Home Evening.  So he got out the primary song book and set it up on the music stand (facing the window, his back to the rest of the family) and proceeded to conduct "Follow the Prophet."
It was so cute I just thought, "Wow, I wish I had a video camera right here."  Then I realized that I was holding my iPad in my lap, Duh.  I'm a little slow on the whole technology thing.  I managed to catch the last few seconds and boy are they worth it.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Grandmother Just Like You

Happy Mother's Day to all of our Grandma's!
We Love You!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hi Ho Silver, and Away!

Chauncey is two.  His communication skills are improving every day.  The other day he was going around and around the house on his stick horse.  Suddenly he stopped in front of me, put his little hands on my knees and said, "ba dump, ba dump."  I said, "Huh?"  He replied with a renewed sense of urgency, "Ba Dump, Ba Dump!"  I replied, "Oh!" Click here
My children have asked me to do a lot of interesting things to enhance their play experience, but I think this is the first time I have been asked to provide the sound track.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Parable of the 10 Virgins

I was asked to participate in a musical production of the parable of the 10 virgins in December.  The whole thing is a little long to post here, and maybe all of my friends who were in the production with me wouldn't really appreciate that anyway, but this is the finale.  The song is written in three parts and I love the tight harmonies.
The production involves each of the ladies singing a solo that reflects the personality of her character.  Five are wise and five are not.  I could see myself in each of the roles, especially the two that talk about how hard it is to take the time to renew ourselves spiritually each day.  "In the morning I am too busy and in the evening I am too tired."  As a result I have committed myself to do better at reading scriptures, praying and serving others a little bit better than I have before.